About Us

What does Soulshine mean?

Soulshine was born from a song and a dream.

Soulshine is the beautiful brightness that comes from someone being their radiant, authentic self. Authenticity is the highest vibration to live in, a difficult task in todays world. A world where we are taught to conform and fit into a box.

This pressure to conform has always been a struggle for me. I found myself becoming a person I didn't know so I wouldn't go through my days in school alone. However, after years of masking for the comfort of others, I was still alone. I gave up being surrounded by people who made me feel alone or bad for being who I am.

When the only opinion that matters became my own, I was happy. Truly happy, once I chose to live in my Soulshine! Singing to the songs I loved, Dressing how ever I wanted, Exploring art in every different form.

The connection and power I found in the crystal bracelets I would buy from craft fairs and stores made me feel brave enough to be myself when the world made it hard.

Learning about the crystals properties I thought to myself, "I can make these like recipes!!! A bracelet for every challenge! Armor to protect you through the storm" . And the business was formed! To become the voice of encouragement.

Most importantly I want to inspire people, at any point in their lives, to stand tall and be who they are. Truly, completely, unapologetically authentic.